Beware Of The Yard Sale Creeps! Part One
I know, I know. You see "part one" as part of a blog title and get scared. It's such a commitment, and we hardly know each other. But don't worry it will either be a fun trip or a quick divorce. Yard sale season in Maine. This year it started in May and ended around the second week of November. The start was delayed until we got to a certain level of reopening due to the virus. The actual opening, as well as the ending, is unofficial and is dependent on the weather. At the start of the season there would always be a sale or two each Thursday, with still more on Fridays and Saturdays. Seldom would there be any on a Sunday. What do you do in Maine on a Sunday? Basically breath. Most things are closed, except for corporate run businesses, but the people working there are generally not happy about being there and being forced to provide a higher level of customer service than they themselves are used to. Having been stuck in our home for an extended period going to yar...